Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hallmark has a new movie coming out. It is going to be on Sunday Nov. 29th. Its called A Dog Named Christmas. It looks wonderful. Of course I love the Hallmark Hall of Fame movies. I am looking forward to watching on Sunday night.
Hallmark is hosting a Cutest Dog Contest. I entered Rocky Balboa.. why, well I believe he is the Cutest Dog. He believes he is a cat.. so it all should work out. He really thinks he is a cat, and my cat, believes she is the Queen. Ummm yes Miss Annie I know you ARE the Queen.
Please take a minute and vote for Rocky as Cutest Dog... Please!!!!
Vote here.. http://shar.es/aK0Vi

All Rocky would like for Christmas is to win the Cutest Dog Contest and for the Buckeyes to win the RoseBowl.... thats all!!!

Rocky, The Cutest Dog!!


  1. He is such a cute little Scooby snack. lol

    I voted for my nephew earlier but can you vote more than once? Well, it's 11:37pm and I have only packed socks and underwear, and we are leaving in the morning and I am pretty sure that we will need more than that. I don't think we could go out to dinner just wearing socks and underwear. lol Hey at least they would be clean.


  2. adorable but i am ill right now and will have to come back for the vote

  3. Watched that movie & it was great!!!And Rocky is my worlds cutest dog and I dont need a vote to tell so!!!Aunt Barb


Wow Thanks for the comment.. Something to read..