Monday, April 12, 2010

Fussy Britches!!!

The kiddos kept me hopping today. I had the wee babe.. he was a tiny fussy this morning. I said to him "Okay Fussy Britches, what do you think you need now, a diaper change??"
I wasn't thinking... I wasn't thinking about my 2 year old niece, The Repeater.. She repeated. Didn't sound like Fussy Britches anymore. I didn't comment hoping she never repeats it again. Lets hope she has forgotten that phrase and I will try to never say it again.
Hope you had a great day!! I did even with Fussy Britches!!


  1. I can just see the look on her Mama's face when the little princess is sitting playing with "Honey" and says it. lol

  2. I can remember the kindergarten teacher over here at the school telling me about numerous kids she had had over the years. She always said when they were doing words that sounded alike, she always hesitated to ask some of the kids as she was afraid of what they would say. Some of them she said had a little speech problem, too, so she was leery of asking them. She had a lot of stories to tell....


Wow Thanks for the comment.. Something to read..