Monday, January 10, 2011

Good Morning!!! Its Monday!!

Monday Morning!!!
Do you love Monday Morning!! I do... something about knowing its the beginning of a whole new week. I always think of it as something fresh and new...
This Monday morning the weather man is telling me that there is more snow on the way... I have resigned myself to the fact that I live in Ohio and it snows in the winter here.. So, Let it Snow!!
I am ready to enjoy my Monday... how about you???
Get your coffee, tea, soda, water.. whatever gives you your get up and go in the morning... and get going!
Have a wonderful Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. yes i have considered getting up and dressed, pack up laptop and go to lobby. then in kitchen to make coffee....back to lobby and work on blog. but by then i bet i will be cold..... so that or lay in bed and try to be quiet, type here a lil...... yeah warm, snuggles, laptop..... that wins. But gosh I would love a cuppa coffee!


Wow Thanks for the comment.. Something to read..