Thursday, March 5, 2009

Crush on the Weather Man

I probably should not admit this, but I have a Crush on the Weather Man this morning. He has made a promise to me this morning. He promised sunshine, high temperature of 57degrees, a beautiful "Spring Like" day he said.. I am just giddy, Mike(weather man) please don't let me down. Please let Mother Nature know we need this day.
The kiddos will be able to run and play outdoors. We will be able to take a walk. The walk may even last longer than it takes me to get everyones, boots, hats, coats, mittens on. Oh, Mike.. You are the MAN!!!
I hope everyone's Weather Man is as good to them today as "My" Man has been to me.
Have a wonderful day!!
Remember to Have Fun!!!


  1. I wish I have a crush worthy weather man, but not so much. Mine's name is Topper Shutt (no joke).

    Welcome to SITS!

  2. LOL My weather men are younger than me. That really sucks when you look at the tv and know there are kids telling you what is up with Mother Nature. They just make me feel old and I am in my early 30's hahaha

    Hope you enjoy your great weather today!!

    Popped in to welcome you to SITS!!


Wow Thanks for the comment.. Something to read..